Frequently Asked Questions
If you cannot find the answer you’re looking for here, please send us an inquiry via our contact form.
About Fees & Pricing
Q: How much does it cost to use Accessible Code?

A: The use of Accessible Code requires both a start-up cost and an annual service fee: an initial fee of 800 USD (750 Euro) per account created, and a yearly fee for the number of copies printed (=projected product sales). The overall unit price decreases as the number of copies increases. On average, it costs from 0.1 to 1.5 cents per product, with a minimum fee of 150 USD per year. These usage fees cover multilingual content editing functions, machine translation, AI language voice synthesis, data collection about consumer code use (one year’s worth at a time), and data analysis tools. Multilingual content creation and human review of machine translations can be provided at an additional cost.
Q: What is the Accessible Code fee payment schedule?

A: Annual usage fees correspond to the amount of products to be sold within a year and are collected as a lump sum when you begin to use the Accessible Code service. For subsequent years, the difference in cost between the planned number of units to be sold will be offset with the actual number of units sold the previous year.
Q: When estimating pricing, how do you decide the number of copies to be printed (=projected product sales)?

A: The price and number of copies are decided based on individual manufacturer reports. We typically do not conduct on-site inspections, but may limit customer use of Accessible Code if we notice a large discrepancy between the number of products made (copies of Accessible Code printed) and the amount of codes read by consumers (compared to previous data).
Q: Do yearly fees apply to past products that use Accessible Code?

A: If you use Accessible Code for continually released products, the annual usage fee only applies to any new units produced that year. For example, if 50,000 units were produced the previous year, and 60,000 units were produced the current year, you will only be charged for 60,000 units. The code included on previous years’ products will remain active for the life of the product. We understand that sales may differ from what was expected, so please stay in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.
About the Specifications of Accessible Code
Q: Can the data be read from anywhere in the world?

A: Accessible Code uses a cloud-based server, so as long as the user has internet access, the data can be accessed from anywhere in the world. It also can be accessed through the Great Firewall, so QR codes scanned in mainland China are reflected in the access data. (Information current as of March 2024.)
Q: How does Accessible Code differ from a standard QR code?

A: Most QR codes are embedded with short pieces of text, or a URL that directs the user to a specific website. To provide information in multiple languages, you typically need to build a server environment, use JavaScript, etc. in order to create web pages for each respective language.
Accessible Code is an all-in-one solution that includes all the features below. It requires no specialized knowledge on the part of a manufacturer, nor any special setup by a user.
- QR code publishing
- Simple content editing function
- Management of servers that host your content
- AI-based machine translation
- AI-based voice synthesis
- Automatic selection of display language based on the user’s device preferences
- Access data collection and CSV files to reflect when, where, and how the codes are scanned
- Access data analysis and graphs, including post-sales analytics
- Ability to redirect to different content by specific language
Q: Do you need an internet connection to use Accessible Code?

A: Yes. Since the Accessible Code is encoded using a dedicated server URL, you unfortunately cannot use the system without a stable internet connection.
Q: Can Accessible Code still be read when the server is down?

A: Accessible Code accesses data from a dedicated server, so the information will not be displayed if the code is read when the server is down. However, we take great care in the management of our server and it has been operating at 99.99% uptime over the past ten years .
About Content Creation
Q: Is there a character limit for the content that can be included in Accessible Code?

A: The maximum character limit differs between each language, so there is no definitive character limit in place. However, if we consider the readability and text-to-speech function, keeping it within 1,000 words in English, 1,500 characters for languages that use Chinese characters, and about 5,000 characters for other languages is ideal. If your text is longer than that, we can make two codes and include a link to the second portion of the text within the first.
Q: Is it possible to display content translated by a professional translator, rather than a machine?

A: Yes. Although Accessible Code’s admin panel uses machine translation by default, each language may be freely edited at any time. This means that you or a professional translator of your choice can edit the machine translation at any time, or even completely replace the machine translation. You can also request translation services from us for an additional fee.
Q: Can Accessible Code be updated after it has been printed?

A: The information that appears after scanning an Accessible Code can be edited even after the code has already been printed onto your product’s packaging. You can edit your text using the “editor” function under the admin panel. After you finish making your changes, push the save button. Your changes will immediately be reflected the next time the code is scanned.
Q: Can other languages be added to Accessible Code after it has been printed? 

A: Yes, it is possible to add additional languages through the Accessible Code admin panel. Once a new language has been added, it will be displayed automatically on devices set to that language when the code is scanned. It is also possible to remove languages if necessary. If a device set to a language that is not included scans the code, it will display the English language text. Each QR code can support up to 15 different languages. There are 43 languages and counting to choose from.
Q: Can video be included?

A: It is possible to embed a YouTube video by using the admin panel. However, it is not possible to upload a video file directly.
Q: Can original recorded audio be played back instead of an AI-synthesized voice?

A: Users can use Accessible Code’s content editor to upload original voice files in .mp3 format for each language.
About Printing
Q: Can the Accessible Code logo be removed?

A: According to the Accessible Code Terms of Use, users are required to print the Accessible Code logo in the same place as the QR code. (Reference: Accessible Code Logo Use Agreement)
Q: Can the color of Accessible Code be changed?

A: Users are not permitted to change the color of the code. The black and white color scheme was selected due to its high level of contrast that is easier for consumers with low vision or colorblindness to recognize. This is also most effective for cameras in places with insufficient lighting.
Q: Does Accessible Code need to be printed in a specific size? 

A: When Accessible Code is printed on product packaging, the 2D barcode must be a square that measures 10–11 mm in width. Together with the logo, it must be a square that measures 16 mm in width. This size was determined based on the results of interviews and product demonstration experiments with over 100 people with various visual impairments. It is optimized so that the code may easily be read from a distance with the product in one hand and a smartphone in the other, but also without taking up too much space on the package.
Q: To use Accessible Code, are there manufacturing guidelines for the product packaging itself?

A: Users are required to print the codes on product packaging in a way that makes them identifiable by touch. Please contact us for more information.